Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski

For my book review, I read the book Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski. He was the only one in his family to survive the death camps of the Holocaust. His memoir is written in a series of fragmented memories, starting when he was only two years old. His experiences in the Holocaust gave a unique perspective because they were written from a child's point of view - he was only three when he went to the death camps. This perspective was very interesting because, since he was a child, he didn't really know anything about what was happening, so his descriptions were filled with confusion. I enjoyed reading the book simply because it gave this different perspective.

Revolutionary Movements after WWI

Throughout history, it seems that revolutionary movements often lead to the start of a war. However, it is opposite in the case of World War I; there was a rise in independence movements in India and Egypt after the war. Why is this? Why is it that the war led to these independence movements? I understand that there was a rise in the number of totalitarian governments, which could cause people to want to revolt and become their own country. Is that the only reason there was such an increase in independent movements?