Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Revolutionary Movements after WWI

Throughout history, it seems that revolutionary movements often lead to the start of a war. However, it is opposite in the case of World War I; there was a rise in independence movements in India and Egypt after the war. Why is this? Why is it that the war led to these independence movements? I understand that there was a rise in the number of totalitarian governments, which could cause people to want to revolt and become their own country. Is that the only reason there was such an increase in independent movements?

1 comment:

  1. Great Question! I have an answer and I hope it is on the right track...
    The chapter discusses the fact that many people became aware of the large gap in the standard of living between the rich and the poor in the interwar years because of the advancements in communication.
    So India, for example, who is now aware of the possibilities of a better standard of life, and who blamed the imperial power of Britain for their low standard of living- naturally demand political and economic independence from them.
