Monday, January 17, 2011

European Air Strategies Prezi

I created a prezi on Air Strategies of the European Theater. I focused on two main countries, one from the Axis Powers and one from the Allied Powers: Germany and Britain. There were both similarities and differences between the strategies of the two countries. Both targeted military installations and civilian areas, with hopes to destroy weapons factories and cities full of civilians. However, Germany used a unique strategy, called blitzkrieg, in which they had surprise attacks, lightning fast advances, and overwhelming power in all areas of the military. This was intended to catch the enemy off guard and make it difficult for them to respond effectively.

This is a link to my prezi on European Air Strategies:


  1. I liked how you included so many pictures. It helped keep the words to a minimum so that reading wasn't the main focus. :)

  2. I liked your Prezi. It was short yet informative. The pictures added a lot, holding my attention well.

  3. Anna I liked how the background matched was light blue to match the sky. Also your pictures were pretty sweet.

  4. I love the pictures! I think they added a lot to your explanations, and your font for Great Britain was awesome.

  5. It gave a good overview of the stratagies used. Good job.
